Opening hours

The Royal Reception Rooms, The Ruins & The Royal Kitchen

October-April: Tuesday-Sunday 10-17 (closed Mondays)
May, June and September: Monday-Sunday 10-17
July and August: Monday-Sunday 10-18

Ticket sales in the Royal Representation rooms close 30 minutes before and the last entrance is also 30 minutes before the visitor center closes.

Ticket sales in the Ruins close 45 minutes before and the last entrance is also 45 minutes before the visitor center closes.

Ticket sales in The Royal Kitchen closes 15 minutes before, and the last entrance is also 15 minutes before closing.

The Royal Reception Rooms, Ruinerne and The Royal Kitchen will be open on Monday, December 23.

All the sites will be closed on 24-25/12 and 31/12-8/1 and 14/1.

The Royal Stables

January-April: Tuesday-Sunday 13:30-16
May and June: Monday-Sunday 13:30-16
July: Monday-Sunday 10-18. Note: July 29, 30, 31 open 13:30-16
August and September: Monday-Sunday 13:30-16
October-December: Tuesday-Sunday 13:30-16

Ticket sales close 15 minutes before and the last entrance is also 15 minutes before closing.

The Royal Stables will be open on Monday, December 23rd.

All the sites will be closed on 24-25/12 and 31/12-8/1 and 14/1.

The Chapel

September-December: Sundays 10-17
July-August: Monday-Sunday 10-17

The last entrance is 15 minutes before the visitor center closes.

All the sites will be closed on 24-25/12 and 31/12-8/1 and 14/1.

Special closing days

Special closing days and limited opening hours will be announced here when applicable.

Special closing days in December:

3-8/12: The Royal Reception Rooms is closed all day.

4-6/12: The Royal Stables are closed all day.

6/12: The Royal Kitchen is closed all day.

10/12: The Royal Reception Rooms is closed from 10-12:00.

15/12: The Chapel is closed all day.

24/12: All visitor centers are closed all day.

25/12: All visitor centers are closed all day.

31/12: All visitor centers are closed all day.

The rest of the sites is open as usual on the affected days.

Please note that the sites may be closed unannounced in connection with official events and the Royal Family's use of the palace.


Special closing days in January:

All visitor centers are closed from January 1-8.

All visitor centers will be closed on 14 January.

29/1: The Royal Reception Rooms is closed all day.

Please note that the sites may be closed unannounced in connection with official events and the Royal Family's use of the palace.